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Bridge Studio

Bridge Studio Schema

Connecting your Bridge API to Bridge Studio

Using the CLI

npx bridge-studio@latest
# or
pnpx bridge-studio@latest
npx bridge-studio@latest
# or
pnpx bridge-studio@latest

You'll be redirected to the github login. Sign in with your GitHub account, then copy and paste the secretToken on the Studio Bridge page.

This command-line tool will generate a bridge.config.json file for you. To keep your secret token private, consider adding this file to your .gitignore before publishing to GitHub.

If you didn't have a Studio Bridge account, this process will create one for you. You can log in to your profile to view and manage your projects at

Using the plateform

Connect to using your GitHub account to import a project from your GitHub repository. The project will be linked to your repository. To recompile the client SDK, simply click the "Recompile" button on the platform.

Fetch your client SDK

npx fetch-bridge-sdk@latest {username}/{projectName}
npx fetch-bridge-sdk@latest {username}/{projectName}

If you do not have axios and form-data installed in your project, the command line will automatically install them for you.

The upcoming version of the command line will allow you to select your preferred HTTP client library, either axios or fetch, and the required packages will be automatically installed if they are not already present in your project.

Access your generated documentation

You'll be able to access your complete generated documentation on soon.

Please visit for more information.